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We sell online diagrams of all the top competiton tests. Online means that immediately after you complete payment, the diagrams are immediately available on-screen on the website for viewing and printing. We don't send them by email or through the post!

In the UK we also sell conventional text test sheets as provided by the governing bodies. As soon as your order is placed, an automatic email is sent to the appropriate body (British Dressage, Pony Club or British Eventing) and they post first-class within one working day. This is not a guarantee of next day delivery but it is still the quickest way to get test sheets.

 Our partners 
Dressage Riders Online
Dressage Riders Online

British Eventing
British Eventing



British Riding Clubs
British Riding Clubs

The Pony Club
The Pony Club


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Dressage Anywhere

Dressage Ireland
Dressage Ireland

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