15 Jun 08: Online diagrams now use same words as official test sheets
We recently signed a new agreement with British Dressage which enables us to use the same wording as the official test sheets in our online diagrams. Previously, our agreement prevented us from using the same wording.
We have revised all the British Dressage diagrams in our new Premium Series. Throughout the website, premium tests are indicated by .
The premium series will be important for riders who want to use a commander (someone who reads the movements aloud) during competition. The commander, who must use only the official test sheet wording, can now use our text or diagram printouts of the new tests.
BD 2008 Tests
Anyone who has already bought a 2008 test can get the premium version free, just by visting the website and printing the test.
All other BD tests
Tests available for purchase on the website from now on will be the premium versions.
People who have previously bought diagrams can be reassured that these non-premium versions remain available. As before, they describe movements accurately, but in different words. They just cannot be used by a commander. You can of course buy the new, premium version if you wish. If you visit the website and view or print the diagram, the system will advise you that whether you have a premium or non-premium version.