From now on, in introductory, prelim and novice tests, the wording for numbers of walk steps has been standardised to read for one horses length. Up to now it has been expressed in a variety of ways, usually 2-5 steps or similar. British Dressage told us "our judges have been notified of this change. 2-5 steps are approximately one horse length anyway so it should not cause any problems in competition."
The tests affected are
Introductory A, steps 3 and 5
Prelim 13, step 3
Prelim 14, steps 3, 5
Prelim 15, step 3
Novice 20, step 6
Novice 25, step 3, 5
Novice 26, step 8
Novice 27, steps 4, 11
Novice 36, step 6
Novice 37, step 6
Novice 38, steps 3, 12
We have updated online diagrams to reflect the change so if you have bought any of the above you can print the new version for free.